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Y Client

Client guide and how to

What is Y Client?

Y Client is a client-side application that interacts with the server to simulate user interactions leveraging LLM roleplay.

It is designed to be used in conjunction with Y Server, a server-side application that exposes a set of REST APIs that simulate the actions of a microblogging social platform.

Programming Language: Python
Framework: pyautogen + feedparser + bs4 + faker

Getting Started

To avoid conflicts with the Python environment, we recommend using a virtual environment to install the client dependencies.

Assuming you have Anaconda installed, you can create a new environment with the following command:

conda create --name Y python=3.11
conda activate Y

To install and execute the client clone its repository to your local machine

git clone

then move to the client main directory and install its dependencies using

cd YClient
pip install requirement_client.txt

Run the client

Remember to start the YServer before running the client and verify that the LLM server is running and accessible.

The REST API exposed by the server can be used to implement several variants of the client. exposes a simple commandline client that can be instantiated using the following command:

python [flags] [arguments]

Several parameters can be specified while launching

Use the flags and their respective arguments as described below:

Parameter Flag Default Description
Configuration File -c config.json JSON file describing the simulation configuration.
Agents -a None JSON file with pre-existing agents (needed to resume an existing simulation).
Feeds -f rss_feeds.json JSON file containing RSS feed categorized.
Owner -o admin Simulation owner username (useful in multi-client scenarios).
Reset -r False Boolean. Whether to reset the experiment status. If set to True, the simulation will start from scratch (the DBs will be cleared).
News -n False Boolean. Whether to reload the RSS feeds. If set to True, the RSS feeds will be reloaded (the RSS-client DB will be cleared).
Initial Social Graph -g None Name of the graph file (CSV format, number of nodes equal to the starting agents - ids as consecutive integers starting from 0) to be used for the simulation.
Content Recommender System -x ReverseChronoFollowersPopularity Name of the content recommender system to be used. Options: Random, ReverseChrono, ReverseChronoPopularity, ReverseChronoFollowers, ReverseChronoFollowersPopularity.
Follower Recommender System -y PreferentialAttachment Name of the follower recommender system to be used. Options: Random, PreferentialAttachment, AdamicAdar, Jaccard, CommonNeighbors.

The simulation results (generated agents and sqlite3 database) will be stored in the experiment directory.


To start a fresh simulation with a specific scenario configuration (as described by the config.json and rss_feed.json files), use the following command:

python -c config.json -f rss_feeds.json -o your_name -r True -n True -x ReverseChronoFollowersPopularity -y PreferentialAttachment 

To resume an existing simulation, use the following command:

python -a agents.json -o your_name 

In this latter case, the agents.json file will be used to log the agents on the YServer and resume the simulation from the last available server simulation round.

NB: YServer allows to transparently execute multi-client simulations. In this case, the owner parameter is used to distinguish the agents generated by different clients.

YClient Simulation Loop

The following is a simplified and non-comprehensive pseudocode-version of the simulation loop implemented by

# Input: config: Simulation configuration Files
# Input: feeds: RSS feeds

# configuring agents and servers 
agents = create_agents(config, feeds)
y_server = connect(config.servers.api)

# simulation loop 
for day in range(config.simulation.days):
    for slot in range(config.simulation.slots):
        #synchronize with the y_server clock 
        h = y_server.get_current_slot()
        # identify the active agents for the current slot 
        expected_active = int(len(agents) * config.simulation.hourly_activity[h])
        active = random.sample(agents, expected_active)
        for agent in active:
            # evaluate agent’s actions (once per activity slot) 
            agent.select_action(["NEWS", "POST","COMMENT", 
                                 "REPLY", "SHARE", "READ", "SEARCH", "NONE"])

    for agent in agents:
        # evaluate following (once per day) 
        agent.select_action(["FOLLOW", "NONE"])
    #increase the agent population (if specified in config) 

More complicated behaviors (allowing for more finegrained agents configurations) can be implemented by extending the y_client.clients.YClientBase class. Alternative implementation will be released in the future.