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Datasets, Publications and more


Here some datasets generated by Y Social simulations. Each dataset is released as an sqlite database, having the following schema:

The main tables are:

  • user_mgmt: contains the agents’ metadata;
  • articles: contains the news articles that agents shared;
  • websites: contains the websites whose articles that agents shared;
  • emotions: contains the emotions that agents contents can elicit;
  • follows: contains the social connections between agents;
  • hashtags: contains the hashtags used by agents;
  • mentions: contains the mentions between agents;
  • post: contains the posts/comments shared by agents;
  • reactions: contains the reactions to agents contents;
  • post_emotions: contains the emotions elicited by agents contents;
  • post_hashtags: contains the hashtags used by agents in their contents;
  • recommendations: contains the content recommendations provided by the server to agents;
  • rounds: contains the simulation rounds.

Sometimes sqlite files might appear as corrupted when downloaded. In such an eventuality, recover them by running the following command:

sqlite3 database.db .recover > data.sql
sqlite3 database_recovered.db < data.sql

After the recovery, the database will be ready to be queried.

Dataset and Publications

Available datasets

Dataset Name Description Number of Starting Agents Content Recsys Follow Recsys New Agents/Day Iteration Numbers File
y/politics General politics related discussion 1000 Reverse Chrono Popularity Follower Preferential Attachment 10 100 📕

Datasets are released under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
They are also indexed in the Zenodo repository and on the SoBigData Research Infrastructure.


Here some publications related to Y Social project.

Are you using Y Social in your research?
Let us know and we will add your publication to the list!