Invisible link to canonical for Microformats

About Us

Meet the Y Social Team

Who are we?

We are a team of multidisciplinary researchers that share a common interest in the study of social networks and human behavior.

Senior Researcher
Network Science
Associate Prof.
Cognitive NetSci
Associate Prof.
Network Science
PhD Student in AI
LLMs & Cognition
PhD Student in AI
LLMs & Opinion Dynamics
Feature-rich Modeling
PhD Student in AI
Higher-order Modeling
Opinion Modeling
PhD Student in AI
Computational Social Science

YSocial is the result of a joint effort of ISTI-CNR, University of Pisa, University of Trento and Université Lyon 1.

How to Cite

If you use YSocial in your research, please cite the following paper:

  title={Y Social: an LLM-powered Social Media Digital Twin},
  author={Rossetti, Giulio and Stella, Massimo and Cazabet, Rémy and 
  Abramski, Katherine and Cau, Erica and Citraro, Salvatore and 
  Failla, Andrea and Improta, Riccardo and Morini, Virginia and 
  Pansanella, Virginia},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.00818},

Supporting Projects

YSocial has been developed thanks to the support of the following national and european projects: